About SACO
The Saskatchewan Association of Conservation Officers (SACO) was established in 1981. The objectives of the association are twofold; to promote and encourage the education and training of the members in all matters affecting their profession, and secondly to promote the mutual interests of Saskatchewan Association of Conservation Officers. Our motto “Serving People and Wildlife; Protecting Saskatchewan’s Resources,” reflects the aim of the members in maintaining Saskatchewan’s natural resources for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.
SACO is a non-government, non-profit organization that operates solely on the efforts of volunteers. Membership is comprised of active and retired Conservation Officers and other natural resource law enforcement personnel both inside and outside of Saskatchewan. SACO is affiliated with similar officer organizations throughout North America.
We are dedicated men and women who are front-line people that:
- enforce our natural resource legislation, including the hunting, fishing and environmental regulations;
- apprehend violators and poachers;
- provide natural resources education to the public including youth and school groups;
- monitor and manage our fisheries and wildlife populations;
- administer security in our provincial parks;
- manage other resource activities including forest management and protection, environmental protection, spill response, landfill compliance and many other provincial and federal statutes.
- is administered by an Executive elected from the regular membership;
- is a voluntary organization supported through membership dues and special fund raising projects;
- holds an annual convention for all members in various locations across the province. It also hosts annual hockey and golf tournaments;
- awards two $1,000 scholarships annually to students enrolled in a resource technology course in Western Canada;
- awards a $500 bursary to SACO family members for post-secondary education;
- provides support to memorial funds for officers who are killed in the line of duty throughout North America;
- administers an Officer Relief fund which supports families during loss of members or member’s spouses;
- SACO has established SASKTIP – a rewards program for information leading to the conviction of natural resource violators;
- proudly introduced the “Hooked on Fishing not on Drugs” program into Canada;
- actively supports and is an affiliate member of the North American Wildlife Enforcement Officers Association (NAWEOA);
- SACO financially supports the following: SWF Habitat Trust Land Fund and Ducks Unlimited.
organizations that support the objectives of the Association.
Established in 1981
The objectives of the association are twofold; to promote and encourage the education and training of the members in all matters affecting their profession, and secondly to promote the mutual interests of Saskatchewan Association of Conservation Officers. Our mottos “Serving People and Wildlife; Protecting Saskatchewan’s Resources,” reflects the aim of the members in maintaining Saskatchewan’s natural resources for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.
THE SASKATCHEWAN ASSOCIATION of CONSERVATION OFFICERS (SACO) membership is comprised of the following types of members:

Members who are current and former Conservation Officers employed by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

Members who are any person who supports the objectives of the Association

Members who are persons of great distinction or those persons that have made extraordinary contributions to the Association

Members who are persons of great distinction or those persons that have made extraordinary contributions to the Association

Members who are regular members that have retired from the department