was born on February 15, 1958 and was on active duty fighting a wildfire near Buffalo Narrows in northwestern Saskatchewan when he lost his life in a helicopter crash on August 17, 1990.


Officer Doell worked with Saskatchewan Parks and Renewable Resources as a Conservation Officer since 1983 and was stationed in Pierceland, Saskatchewan at the time of his death. He was 32 years of age and was single.

Officer Murray Doell has been nominated posthumously by the Department for both the Pogue-Elms and Shikar Safari Awards. Officer Doell paid the highest price to protect and preserve our natural resources. He was a fine officer and an even finer person. 

Officer Doell was an extremely dedicated officer who cared deeply about protecting the natural resources of the province. Officer Doell played a unique role as he was one of the two original undercover operators working with the Provincial Enforcement Branch in the special investigations unit. Over a three year period, he spent considerable time on several long-term undercover investigations. His abilities as an operator resulted in the cracking of a large wildlife trafficking ring in the Loon Lake area, and subsequently the largest Wildlife Act fines in the province’s history at the time

Officer Doell also worked for over a year as an instructor in Renewable Resources at the Northern Institute of Technology in Prince Albert to train new conservation officers in the province. He was able to instill in many of these potential officers his love and respect for the natural resources of this province and the requirements to protect them.
Officer Doell was a professional in every way and treated all people with dignity and respect. He was thought of very highly by his fellow officers, his students and all members of the public, as evidenced by the attendance of over 1, 000 people at his funeral. He represented Saskatchewan Conservation Officers in several activities and was a participant in the Law Enforcement Olympics in Edmonton and the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics.